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OpenGL 3 Full Screen Quad Demo.

This application demonstrates how to render a quad using shaders that fills up the entire viewport using OpenGL 3 or higher or a forward compatible OpenGL 3.0 rendering context.

The application first clears the viewport to a black color and then draws the full screen quad. The full screen quad's fragment shader simply fills the full screen quad with a gray color. The full screen quad is rendered as a triangle strip with its vertex coordinates specified in normalized device coordinates (NDC). Specifying the vertex coordinates in this way means view and/or model transformations are not needed when rendering the full screen quad since the NDC vertex positions will always be mapped to the corners of the current viewport.

1. This is an OpenGL 3 demo. This demo will not run on OpenGL 2.x and OpenGL 1.x hardware.
2. This demo requires the Visual C++ 2010 Library Runtimes. Download instructions can be found here.

screen shot

zip file Download executable, source, and Visual C++ 2010 solution files.

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