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XNA 4.0 Render To Texture Demo.

This Windows XNA application demonstrates rendering to a texture. Rendering to a texture is very easy to do in XNA. The important thing to remember when rendering to a texture is that the render target and the depth stencil buffer must be the same size and format. You can probably get away with just creating a render target and using the default depth stencil buffer provided the render target is not bigger is size than the depth stencil buffer. In this demo we create a depth stencil buffer and a render target.

1. This demo requires shader model 1.1 or higher support.
2. This demo is provided in source form only. No pre built binaries are supplied.

screen shot

zip file Download source, assets, and XNA Game Studio 4.0 solution files.

Change History:

15 January 2011.
Initial release of demo for XNA Game Studio 4.0. The previous XNA Game Studio 3.0 version of the demo is no longer supported and is now only available upon request.

16 November 2008.
Initial release of demo for XNA Game Studio 3.0. The previous XNA Game Studio 2.0 version of the demo is no longer supported and is now only available upon request.

10 February 2008.
Demo.cs: Fixed bug in the OnPreparingDeviceSettings() method where the MultiSampleQuality property was being incorrectly set.

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